We have been thinking of you and remembering, with gratefulness, the joy of partnering with you. The blessings you have shared in the past are still bearing fruit today. The Lord is doing astounding things each month and we want to let you know how you can continue to help.
Most exciting is the acquisition of 3 new properties, 2 in Pennsylvania and 1 in Kentucky. One purpose for these locations will be Ministry Selection Centers. Our partners will be able to select the food needed for their outreaches and our volunteers will use these facilities to choose food for their families.
The launch of our Sharing Hope Food Vouchers program will allow sponsors to purchase and distribute vouchers to people suffering from food insecurity and hunger. The vouchers can be redeemed at any Ministry Selection Center for a box of food that could feed a family of 4 for a week.
The Lord is continuing to give Blessings of Hope creative, productive ways to feed the hungry and give hope to the hurting. Thank you for continuing to partner with us to see His Kingdom come and His will be done.
Your Friends,
Blessings of Hope
For more testimonies: blessingsofhope.com/testimonials/
PS. Make plans to join Blessings of Hope for Giving Tuesday on November 29, a national day for charitable giving. Click below for details.