‘Tis the Season Again!

Blessings of Hope

‘Tis the Season for Sharing Hope and so very much more. At Blessings of Hope the holiday season brings even more opportunities to work together with other organizations who have a similar mission. We supply our partners with food they can distribute this season, and our volunteers help make partner fundraisers successful. All the while we work in a joyful atmosphere where the birth and life of our Savior, Jesus Christ is celebrated. 

We all know that hunger is not isolated by time or location or economy. However, this time of year at Blessings of Hope is a season of MORE. There are more food donations, prompting a need for more volunteer sorting and packing hours, followed by the need for more storage and deliveries and all because more people are suffering from hunger and food insecurity. 

This is also a time Blessings of Hope needs more resources to meet these needs for more. There is an advantage to becoming a Neighbors Helping Neighbors monthly donor, because you have already been sowing seeds into good soil for the entire year. Our monthly donor program is the simplest and most effective form of giving we offer at Blessings of Hope. Join us as a monthly giver and be assured your gifts will help take care of the MORE, all year long.

Blessings of Hope

Share the gift of hope this holiday season by joining us as we feed the hungry and give hope to the hurting. A family who knows there will be food for their children is more likely to come with open hearts to the Lord’s table. You are a vital part of Blessings of Hope and we are grateful for you every day.

Sharing Hope,

Blessings of Hope


Blessings of Hope

Blessings of Hope

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