In 2012, two British adventurers crossed 1000 miles of desert called “The Empty Quarter” to re-trace a trip taken in 1947. Pulling their supply trailer and working together, they were able to complete a trip in 45 days that neither could have completed alone.
At Blessings of Hope, we face the daily adventure of providing healthy food to people in “food deserts” through inner-city outreaches. There is a desperate need for nutritious food in the concentrated urban neighborhoods housing food insecure, at-risk families. Like these adventurers, we cannot accomplish our goal alone, but working together with our staff, volunteers, and donors, we can.
The food Blessings of Hope distributes is free of charge to the recipients, but there are real costs to the ministry in acquiring, transforming, and delivering the food. The goal of the Outreach Support Fund is to create recurring revenue of $200,000 per month to fund the inner-city outreaches. This will enable us to cover outreach costs monthly instead of relying on a large year-end fundraising goal.
We are seeking partners who will commit to a recurring monthly donation to make sure there are funds available for helping these neighbors overcome the challenges of the “food desert.” You can be part of sending 625,000 additional meals each month to inner-city families in need. As of June 30, we have achieved 14% of our goal. Will you help us make healthy food available in this desert?
Join us today by choosing a partnership level.
Working together,
Blessings of Hope