What You Might See

Blessings of Hope

Many of us would like to volunteer for an outreach, but are not able to for various reasons. There may not be any outreaches in your area or your job makes it impossible due to the hours most outreaches are held. At Blessings of Hope, even if you can’t help physically, you can always help by giving a generous donation. Today we are going to share with you some things you might see at one of our outreaches.

A grandfather comes with 2 small grandchildren. One of the volunteers holds the baby for him at the front of the line, bringing smiles to the faces of everyone waiting.

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

At one outreach location, the donations often include a multicolored cake that has been nicknamed, the unicorn cake. There’s a 5-year-old girl who comes regularly to this outreach carrying her own little bag specifically for her unicorn cake. 

There is a Ukrainian man who bikes several miles from another town every week to be able to feed his family.

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

A volunteer was telling a couple about something in the day’s food that could be microwaved. The man’s face fell, saying their microwave was broken. The next day at Blessings of Hope, the receptionist told the volunteer that a microwave had been donated the day before. The couple was so very happy and thankful when the volunteer delivered the microwave.

You may not be aware, but Social Services refers our outreaches to members of their community in need. Also, whenever food is left after an outreach, it is taken to homeless shelters in nearby cities.

Blessings of Hope is committed to feeding the hungry, bringing hope to the hurting and accomplishing zero food waste within our reach. You can join us by becoming a Neighbors Helping Neighbors monthly donor. Thank you for your prayers, your time and your gifts, we are tremendously grateful. 

Sharing what we do,

Blessings of Hope


Blessings of Hope

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