When You Give, You Also Receive

Blessings of Hope

Did you know that a large percentage of the people who receive food boxes from Blessings of Hope later become regular volunteers to be able to help others? People who are hungry and hopeless come in all sizes and colors and from all walks of life. We believe there is no shame in walking through a difficult season of life, when you might need the help of others. 

The fact is, many of our staff have known true hunger and everyone at Blessings of Hope knows that hunger is not a respecter of persons. We continually endeavor to give what we have received with honor and integrity. From the beginning, Blessings of Hope has been blessed to be a blessing and we are grateful to be able to pass that blessing along to the people who serve with us.

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

‘I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35 KJV

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

After their shifts, our volunteers receive a voucher to select food for their own family at our Ministry Selection Center. Every volunteer above the age of 5 receives a voucher for food and they can either use the voucher for themselves or give it to someone who needs it. This is not just for the warehouse volunteers, but it applies to volunteers at the outreaches as well. As they give, they receive and as they bless, they are blessed. So beyond packaging and/or delivering food to others, they can also bless their families or a neighbor in need with their vouchers. 

Blessings of Hope has been about BLESSINGS and about HOPE from the beginning and we are finding new ways to make both happen, every day. You can join us by becoming a volunteer or a Neighbors Helping Neighbors monthly donor. Check out our website to see everything the Lord is doing through Blessings of Hope.

Blessed to be a blessing,

Blessings of Hope


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