Refugees Close to Home

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

A staff member at Blessings of Hope, shared this testimony about a recent outreach in Ephrata, PA.

Bethany Slavic Church partnered with Blessings of Hope to facilitate a clothing giveaway for Ukrainian refugees. Twenty-five skids containing massive bins of donated clothing were available on the day of the outreach. Many families received much needed items and the balance is being packaged for shipment to Ukraine.

Prior to this outreach, Bethany Slavic Church sponsored a Ukrainian family’s trip to the U.S. On the flight to America, the family had a layover in Spain where COVID documentation/restrictions caused major difficulties in getting through customs. They were given two choices—wait until the customs agents examined all their luggage and definitely miss their flight, or leave all their belongings behind and board the plane. They chose to leave everything and head to the States. 

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

Fast forward to the outreach shortly after they arrived. This family was overcome with gratitude, as they received items to replace the ones they had sacrificed. What a beautiful testimony of the goodness of God!

I have heard many touching stories like the one above made possible by a community of generous people giving what they have. Volunteers giving of their time, donors giving funds, Blessings of Hope giving a truckload of produce, and the prayers of many, many believers. The sum of it all, whether small or large, empowers us to impact our neighbors near and far in a BIG way. –Brenda–

Ukraine is no longer first in the news cycle, but the tragedy and need are still very real, both inside and outside the country. You can be part of humanitarian aid wherever and whenever it is needed by becoming a Neighbors Helping Neighbors monthly donor. Click HERE for details.

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Blessings of Hope


Blessings of Hope

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