
Blessings of Hope

Believers know better than most, that Love Changes Everything. The love of our Savior Jesus Christ changed each of our lives and He changes the outcome of every single day. At Blessings of Hope, we rely on the leadership of the Lord in each decision, every new direction and for the provision required to fulfill the mission He has entrusted to us. We are here to Love·Care·Share through providing food to those who are hungry and food insecure within our reach. 

Every day, each of us has the opportunity to touch those around us with the love of Christ. Whether that opportunity means one or one hundred or one thousand people have the love of Christ shown to them, our obedience is the key. When we hear His voice and obey His Word we make the most of every opportunity given to us. At Blessings of Hope we endeavor to be obedient in the day-to-day as well as the brand new, wide open opportunities that the Lord brings our way.

Blessings of Hope

With the dehydration process now underway, we have an amazing opportunity to join with one of our partners, Barnabas Aid, in sending food containers all over the world. Barnabas Aid sends containers of food to over 60 countries, focusing on ministry to the persecuted church. You have an opportunity to bless the church, feed the hungry and see His Kingdom come and His Will be done. Join with us to see the love of Christ shared through food.


Blessings of Hope

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

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