Feed the hungry and starve the landfill is the abbreviated version of what we do at Blessings of Hope. Our mission from the Lord is the method we use to fulfill the Great Commission—to go into all the world preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We spread the love of Christ through food, where we are able to nourish their bodies as well as their souls providing a Gospel of John in every box. And the icing on the cake is saving millions of pounds of food from being sent to the landfill, stopping unnecessary waste.
The Lord has given us an incredible system that is sustainable and reproducible and we are following His lead. Every time He gives us a new strategy, He provides a way to make it happen. When we were frustrated by the amount of produce we were forced to compost, dehydration was His solution and the equipment/expertise came along soon after. As a result, produce, like spinach, potatoes and kale are being prepped, dried and packaged, giving it a shelf-life of 5 years without losing the vital nutrients. There are dreams the Lord put into our hearts more than 10 years ago that are coming to pass every day at Blessings of Hope, and we could not be more thrilled about it. Thank you for your prayers and generous support.
Feeding the hungry,
Blessings of Hope