It is a Big Task

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

Sometimes, looking at the sheer magnitude of feeding hungry people, it would be easy to think—this task is WAY too big for us. During those times, we encourage ourselves by reminding each other that we serve a BIG GOD. We can never out-give, out-dream, or out-love Him, but our desire is to be like Him in everything we do. For Blessings of Hope, Loving·Caring·Sharing means feeding the hungry and giving hope to the hurting. It means packaging around 2,500 boxes of food every week. It means taking every ounce of donated food we receive and using it to the fullest potential for feeding the most people possible. 

Blessings of Hope

You may not be able to physically serve at the warehouse or on an outreach or at the Ministry Selection Center, but you can participate with us in the Kingdom by praying and giving. The Body of Christ is designed for each of us to love and care and share the very best way we are able. The hand cannot do what the ear can do, but both are effective and useful to the body. We are grateful for every person involved at Blessings of Hope, and for each individual gift being utilized to its fullest potential in Christ. Feeding the hungry is a big task, because it repeats every day. But we are undaunted by the task set before us, knowing we serve a GREAT GOD!

Grateful for His gifts,

Blessings of Hope

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

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