Does My Gift Matter?

Blessings of Hope

Our staff and volunteers are happy to be the feet on the ground and the hands preparing the food, but we are grateful, every day, for those of you who make it possible for us to do what we do. Blessings of Hope has opportunities available to Love·Care·Share for everyone. We have truck drivers and forklift operators, we have volunteer coordinators and videographers and graphic artists, we have people who physically serve and people who generously give and everyone is necessary and valuable.

King David’s statute is as relevant today as it was when he declared it in the wilderness—the ones who go (into the streets) and the ones who stay (making provision) receive the same reward.

Blessings of Hope

You can join us as we Love·Care·Share this year. Even if you are not physically handing food to a family in need, you are making it possible. Your gift of generosity reaps the same reward as those who dehydrate produce or those who hand out food. You are obediently following the guidance of the Lord and caring for those less fortunate than you. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Sowing and Reaping,

Blessings of Hope

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

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