Stop the Waste!

Blessings of Hope

Are you aware that food takes up more space in our U.S. landfills than any other component? On average, the world wastes about 1.4 billion tons of food each year, with the United States discarding more food than any other country. Billions of pounds of food, estimated to be 30%-40% of the entire U.S. food supply, end up in the landfill, making up 24% of municipal solid waste (MSW). 

Knowing that 2.3 billion people suffer from food insecurity, Blessings of Hope works with food producers and local ministries to stop the waste and feed the hungry. If you are already partnering with Blessings of Hope to combat food insecurity and bring hope to the hurting, we want you to know how grateful we are. If you have not had the chance to partner with us, we would love an opportunity to share our vision and let you see how you can be part of ending world hunger. 

Please watch this 5-minute video about Blessing of Hope, past, present and future. The average American household wastes approximately $1,600 every year in produce. That amount is enough to pay for an entire month of groceries for a family of four. Help us stop the waste, stop food insecurity and bring hope where it is hard to find.

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