Cut ‘em. Bag ‘em. Freeze ‘em

Blessings of Hope

What would you do with a truckload of strawberries that were about to spoil and be sent to the landfill? At Blessings of Hope we cut them up (composting the stems and any berries already spoiling), we bag them into manageable sizes and freeze them to be delivered another day. Because we are never completely sure what food donations are coming our way, we don’t know what our volunteer shifts will be doing on any given day. But make no mistake, there is always food to be processed and our volunteer shifts are booked solid for 4 months in advance. 

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

Freezing food is one way Blessings of Hope gives food a longer, more stable shelf life, but it is not a long term solution. Nor does it make the food easier or cheaper to transport. We do have a long term plan that includes a larger facility with equipment to juice, can and dehydrate foods. We will have milk processing capabilities as well as freezer, refrigerator and storage space quadruple the square footage we work with now. Until that plan becomes a reality, we will continue to distribute more than 77,000 meals every day to those who are hungry and hurting. You can be part of eradicating food insecurity while accomplishing zero food waste by becoming a Neighbors Helping Neighbors monthly donor. CLICK for more details.

Blessings of Hope

What if we could end world hunger in our lifetime? Would you want to be part of feeding the hungry and bringing hope to the hurting? Join us in the fight to see that no child goes to bed hungry. Everyone has a part to play.

Come be part of our mission,

Blessings of Hope

Blessings of Hope

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