Expansion is Happening

‘Tis the Season for Sharing Hope, and what is more hopeful than seeing something grow? We are in awe of the miracle strategies the Lord has given us this past year. Through our friends at Financial Planning Ministries and WealthBuilders, to name a few, we have developed Kingdom strategies for expanding Blessings of Hope to be able to feed more people, receive and preserve more food and supply more partners. You are a vital part.

Blessings of Hope

You may not be aware, but Blessings of Hope has purchased several new properties in the Pennsylvania area as well as in Kentucky. Our plans include more Ministry Selection Centers, a new distribution center in Kentucky, new spaces for food processing, including dehydrating and juicing. The extra space makes room for processing equipment for milk, a methane digester system that will turn organic waste into fuel and much more room for our faithful volunteers to process food for the hungry. 

The acquisition and preparation of these new facilities has begun, but we want to invite you to come alongside us in this endeavor. No gift is too big or too small to make a difference in preparing these sites to accomplish all God has in mind for them. We will be keeping you informed on the progress at each new site through our website. Join us as we set our sights on ending world hunger in this lifetime. We are more than grateful for your support.

Expanding the Kingdom,

Blessings of Hope


Here are some additional ways you can Share Hope this season:

Blessings of Hope

Blessings of Hope

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