An Inspirational Story: A Testimony of Hope and Generosity

a story of hope

Greetings, Dear Friends!

Today, we’re thrilled to share an uplifting testimony, highlighting the profound impact of your generosity. New Life Church in Kentucky, a regular visitor to our Ministry Selection Center in Campbellsville, Kentucky, shared this heartwarming story with us:

“John asked for my cooking assistance for the first time … He does so much for the homeless and others, so I was filled with anticipation to show off my basic culinary skills… I got clear plastic trays from Blessings of Hope and other food items and wanted to get creative. So I made spinach tortilla roll-ups filled with cream cheese, mozzarella, ham, salami, lettuce, tomatoes, roasted red tomatoes, and red pepper ajvar. These are then cut into six slices and placed side by side to show off their culinary beauty.

Blessings of Hope

John went around to greet each person as I helped bring out the boxes of food. He brought a cooler filled with cold drinks and dessert surprises. He opened the event with prayer, and I watched a solo man sitting in the background holding his hands up for each blessing word. As I was passing out meals, I saw John praying with a woman in a wheelchair and immediately laid hands to pray along. She and I talked later about her cancer condition and others in her family that need prayer and I know events like this are much more than just food…it’s God that brings people together. After she ate her meal, she rolled herself to the downtown fountain and let her feet dangle in the cool water of the evening heat.

The fellowship was a blessing in the cool evening on the Somerset square and thanks was given to those that allowed us to bless others in need. We packed up after an hour of blessings and I was feeling fulfilled. –Susan Powell”

Your contributions have created a sanctuary of hope for so many. Thanks to your kindness, countless individuals are being nourished not just in body and soul but also in discovering their purpose in life.

There are countless stories like this one. Will you be someone’s hero? Please make a gift TODAY!

With heartfelt thanks,

Blessings of Hope

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8

Kentucky Ministry Selection Center Photos:

Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope
Blessings of Hope

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