Fannie’s Famous For the Win!

Blessings of Hope

Are you getting excited about the upcoming Blessings of Hope iCare Community Event, June 1-3? We have been working diligently behind the scenes to prepare for iCare and it is going to be a blast. You will be receiving weekly updates about all the fun things you can look forward to and this is one of the favorites. Once again this year, Fannie’s Famous handmade soft pretzels will be there!

Blessings of Hope

If you have never heard of Fannie’s pretzels, prepare to be amazed. Fannie’s handmade pretzels are the absolute best. You will be able to find them at the event by following your nose to the smell of soft, warm, buttery goodness being baked fresh all weekend long. You can get a preview of these famous creations by looking at the clips that were featured on social media during the Volunteer Appreciation Day. You will see how they are made and begin to anticipate tasting one.

Blessings of Hope

Today, you have the inside scoop and can share with your friends that Fannie is preparing to bake a sizable batch of her delicious pretzels for the iCare Community Event. You can believe when we say, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to eat one (or two or three). Purchasing one of Fannie’s delicious pretzels will not only please your taste buds, but will help support the mission of Blessings of Hope to feed the hungry and eradicate food waste. 

Blessings of Hope

Remember to save the date for the iCare Community Event coming June 1-3 and be sure to invite your loved ones to come along. You will be treated to delicious food, amazing people and the knowledge that you are blessing those in need. 

Please feel free to share this email with your friends who can also come to taste Fannie’s incredible soft pretzels in June!

Come savor with us,

Blessings of Hope


Blessings of Hope

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